Davy Gallon MMA fighter comments on STORM Athlete

My Name is Davy Gallon MMA fighter, I won the welterweight belt at the fight exclusive night in Poland, the Lightweight Venator Fighting championship in Italy and I am in the final phase of my preparation to fight against Abner Lloveras (took part in the UFC) who is currently the best fighter in my weight category in Spain.

I am aiming at getting into the European UFC federation and ultimately into the US UFC federation.

I’ve been introduced to STORM athlete by my advisor in nutrition supplementation and performance optimization. I started using STORM approximately 4 weeks ago. I take two (2) tablets before my first meal and two (2) tablets before my last meal every day.

Digestion absorption is just perfect, I had no issues.

I think I could tell the supplement was kicking in after twelve (12) days to two (2) weeks, I was feeling “stronger” during the high intensity sessions.

And now after four (4) weeks I could clearly feel and see (time watch) the effects first hand. My conditioning coach set up a circuit training for me, it usually takes me 5 mins to complete 8 rounds, today I was more around four (4) minutes! I am now aiming at completing 10 rounds within 5 minutes instead of 8 I clearly feel stronger and not as short of breath as I was before I started the supplementation. And you have to know that I broke this personal record while finishing and “over reaching” training cycle, so basically my body had not recovered yet.

During the punching bag sessions, I have a larger “safety margin” before I start feeling the burn in my muscles, in addition to that I can come back to a normal breathing frequency faster and more efficiently if it makes sense.

Furthermore it is not the first time I get into this circuit training routine, and not my first preparation using this conditioning protocol, so I can tell that yes STORM athlete after only four(4) weeks has already made a difference.