Posts by Charlotte Ridgway:

  • Author: Charlotte Ridgway
  • Website:
  • Profile: By 16 years old Charlotte was saving up to buy her second horse (an unbroken Arabian, who is still with her some 25 years later) and was busy running a small livery yard. Charlotte’s first degree was in Equine Studies, after which she spent some 8 years working in the animal feed sector, first in retail and wholesale before joining Dengie Horse Feeds, initially in sales and then as ‘Nutritionist & Equine Products Manager’.

    In 2003 what was supposed to be a year out to do a Masters in Human Nutrition lead onto 10 years with the MRC Epidemiology Unit at the University of Cambridge. During this time Charlotte completed an MPhil in Epidemiology, which gave her a good grounding in research methods and statistics, as part of a four year PhD studentship. Her PhD and Career Development Fellowship research focused on the influence of early life factors, such as birth weight and infant development, on later physical activity, fitness and metabolic risk.

    Having been involved in science communication and public engagement throughout her time at Cambridge in 2011 the opportunity arose to combine her former life in sales and marketing with her research career and she moved into Science Communication as ‘Information & Communications Manager’.

    A full time post and a 3 hour commute were not very compatible with a young family, so Charlotte now works freelance primarily focusing on nutrition, writing and science communication.

Articles published by Charlotte Ridgway:

Rider Nutrition Showjumper

Riders As Athletes From A Nutritional Perspective

Tags: Jockey, Rider Nutrition

Category: Riders & Jockeys - articles for human athletes

Date: 10 May, 2018

Given the training and management needs of competition horses, it can be easy to overlook our own development and riders often forget that they are athletes as well. While equine nutrition is recognised as being a key element in horse performance and wellbeing, human nutrition for riders is a rarely a covered topic. Few riders would know their own energy expenditure whilst out on the cross-country course, or how much fluid they might need to take on during a morning of show jumping, especially whilst being stuck wearing a black jacket on a hot day.

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